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Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Presbyterian Gays

Why do churches have a problem with gay people?

The Presbyterian Church here in NZ is currently considering the “issue” of gay marriage, or same sex union to give it the politically correct title they are using.

It is simple, either gay people are people (it’s sort of in the name really) in which case I don’t know of any Christian religion that thinks it is ok to discriminate against “people” or

They are not people, which begs the question what are they then?

And the marriage thing again, isn’t this irrelevant, if we have decided they are people and we don’t discriminate against people then how do you justify denying them any of the rights ascribed to all the other members of your church.

Or does membership now come in classes? Not necessarily a dumb idea after all there are a fair number of people who only see the inside of a church for weddings and funerals, personally if I was running a church I would have “B” class membership for these folks and “A” for the people who actually participate and contribute and I am prepared to bet that gay folk would show up in both the A and B category.

So the disclaimer, I am neither gay nor part of the Presbyterian church but I can’t stand people who can’t apply a tiny bit of logic to their arguments.

And don’t give me that clap trap about marriage equals children, no one is calling for a ban on infertile people getting married are they?

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